
Zion is not just a local ministry; Zion is global. We don't just serve the Des Moines area, we go wherever Jesus leads. We would like to serve you. If you have a need, come to Zion. If we have the means to help you, we will.

Jesus Says, "Go!"

Zion tries to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ by loving our neighborhood.  We are open to exploring every good idea and every request as we try to proclaim our Savior by serving others. Here are a few of things we're doing:

Wednesday Night Community Meal: Zion provides a meal for anyone who is hungry each Wednesday night during the school year. Come and join us! 

Clothes Closet:  Our clothes closet is well stocked and is open Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 a.m. - Noon.  We are happy to receive your donated items of gently used clothing and household items.   

STARS Kids:  Our neighborhood schools contain a high percentage of English Language Learner students. On Wednesday nights, during the school year, we provide Biblical teaching and support. We provide a safe environment for them to ask questions, enjoy some food and fun. STARS stands for SERVE, TEACH, ADVOCATE, REACH, and SEND, which are our five primary objectives. 

Street Outreach:  Join us every third Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m. to make 150 sack lunches and sort clothing and supplies for our area homeless.  Stay around for the second phase, delivering the meals and supplies to those living in camps or on the street.  Everyone is offered prayer as well. Volunteers and donations of food and supplies are welcome.  

Furniture Ministry:  Zion's lobby is usually full of donated furniture that is available for anyone seeking to set up housekeeping.  Donations can be brought to the church during office hours. We have teams that will deliver to families in need. Volunteers are always welcome to help receive and deliver furniture for new families to our city. 

Community Gardens:  Zion has dedicated a portion of our property for garden plots.  The plots are awarded to people who have no other access to land for growing their own food.  We especially want new immigrants and refugees to have access to these plots.  We can always use help maintaining the garden area.  There are currently 60 garden plots. 

ESL Classes:  Due to Covid19, the classes are provided online via Lutheran Services and EMBARC.

Partnership with Local Schools:  We try to have an excellent relationship with our local schools by providing volunteers, clothes, and supplies. Church vans are frequently used to transport classes from local schools to field trips because the costs of using a school bus are so high.  Check the news and announcements for the next service opportunity.

Vacation Bible School:  Please check the website for dates and times.  We try to maintain contact with the children of our community during the summer.  Volunteers are always needed.  

Summer Camps:  Working in conjunction with Ingham Bible Camp, we send as many of our neighborhood kids to camp as possible.  Next summer our goal is to send 65 kids.  We believe that going to summer camps helps the kids learn social skills and English. Camp introduces them to the gospel and broadens their horizons and perspectives. It gives them a good look at the world outside our neighborhood.

Christmas Gifts:  Each Christmas, Zion asks the congregation, local businesses and community members to contribute Christmas gifts for the children in the STARS Kids program.  Together, we provide presents for around 250 children.  

Global Outreach:  Zion community strives to develop a global perspective. We send people and resources for evangelism and community development to Cambodia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Jordan, India and Myanmar, and the Congo.